Tag Archives: waste tyres

Discarded tyres

Discarded tyres

A mixture of crushed pieces of discarded tyres and sand around foundations can protect buildings during earthquakes, civil engineers from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) say.

The world is coming up with some great ideas from waste and thrown away tyres. They are now used in the making of tarmac for road surfaces, right down to the householder making garden planters from discarded tyres.

They can also be used in making barriers against land subsidence, by

Discarded tyres
Waste discarded tyres are now used for many things including these fine plant holders

weaving a wall and filling the old tyres with soil or concrete as the wall is been built.

Sea defenses are also made from discarded tyres. some are even used as a type of barrier reef and are fastened together under water. This idea has been very successful to attract breeding water life, who use the reef for shelter and also breeding purposes.

This new idea comes out of India.

The article explains discarded tyres are crushed and mixed with concretes. The mix forms a perimeter around the building and the foundations before the building starts to be built. The waste tyre and concrete mix  will take any of the vibrations caused by an earthquake. A similar idea has been used in some countries to make walls on eroded river beds and road sides. As you can see in the image, the tyre sidewalls have been removed and the centres are stacked on top of each other. The wall is sloped back and filled in with earth or concrete as the wall rises, making an effective barrier against erosion.

Discarded tyres
These old Discarded tyres have been converted into a re-enforcing wall to protect the land against soil erosion.

India is very prone to earthquakes and this new development will protect new buildings as well as using millions of old tyres.

Pellon Tyres is now a member or tyresafe.org

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.bangaloremirror.com

Recycled Tyres-20- Brilliant Ways

Recycled Tyres

Recycled Tyres-20-Brilliant Ways
Recycled Tyres-20-Brilliant Ways

Recycled Tyres-20-Brilliant Ways

Recycled Tyres-20-Brilliant Ways

recycled tyres are a huge headache when it comes to waste management and recycling, but there are clever DIY ways that each of us can reuse and recycle them and save them from entering the environment or taking up space in our landfills.

Some great images and uses for old tyres.

I don’t think it is going to help get rid of the waste tyre mountains. But as they say “every little helps”.

Fortunately, more industrial recycling methods are now coming along. Recycled tyres are now shredded. Hence, it is used in many parts of the world for things such as resurfacing roads. The added rubber crumbs give the surface more flexibility. Naturally, a quieter ride for the vehicles that travel on them.

I genuinely believe. Recycled Tyres-20-Brilliant Ways

. The recycling of recycled tyres has improved greatly. Especially over the past ten years or so. Companies that make a living out of recycled tyres. Thus, have sprung up all over the world. Shredded tyres used to make playgrounds. Accordingly, is a common site today. This makes a better and softer landing for the children to make. So it also uses recycled tyres, so it has a double-barreled effect.

Recycled Tyres

One of the biggest things to come along in recent years is recycled mulch for landscaping and other things for the garden, including recycled tyre planters and other ideas for recycled tyres planters, pots, and many other ideas, some of which are illustrated in the images in the attached article. They are well worth a look to give you some ideas.

I have even painted some old waste tyres

in my own garden, and you would think that I would be sick of tyres when I got home? but they do look good in the right setting. There are many landscaping ideas using old tyres, and they are all worth looking at; some are great.


Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.boredpanda.com

Waste tyre disposal site -Controversy over plans- Bradford Telegraph and Argus

Waste tyre disposal site

Waste tyre disposal site

PLANS for a waste tyre disposal site in a Bradford neighborhood have been branded a fire risk by a worried resident.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk

In my opinion the residents have a right to be worried. A recent fire in near by Halifax, took two weeks to get under control, sending out thick black toxic smoke.

These Waste tyre disposal site facilities

Therefore, should be miles away in secluded places. We have thousands of such areas. Especially,  in the dis-used coal mining areas. Waste tyre disposal has always been a huge problem. Thus, for the industry. In days gone by many of our old tyre casings were indeed remoulded. Consequently, tyre collection companies. Would pay us £1 a tyre to get their hands on them, especially the Michelin casings.

Michelin casings were and still are regarded as the best. As a result,  and so were much sought after for remoulding. However, things changed when we started to import from China. Cheap car tyres for sale. As a result, are a common site in tyre adverts. This diminished the remould car tyres industry virtually overnight.

Many well known names closed down. This left the problem of what do we do with our waste tyres? . Therefore, new laws were introduced. Millions of these recycled tyres were just dumped in the country side and it became clear that heavy penalties were to be dished out to anybody who was caught tyre dumping.

A new scam business soon emerged. Unscrupulous people were

Waste tyre disposal site
Tyre were often dumped in the countryside and now most old tyres will end up in a Waste tyre disposal site

calling in at tyre retailers and charging £1 to get rid of the old tyres for us. Companies who set up legal tyre collection businesses had to be registered by law.

This cut out much of the tyre dumping and this started to improve in the ways that waste tyres were recycled. The industry now believes that we now recycle many of our old scrap tyres in a green and environmental friendly way in a waste tyre disposal site .

I am not sure though that having a waste tyre pyrolysis plant in a city like Bradford is a good idea. These facilities often catch fire and can take weeks to extinguish, only time will tell?


Tyre business owner

Tyre business owner

Tyre business owner
Tyre business owner

Tyre business owner

Tyre business owner illegally stored 85000 waste tyres

tyre business owner illegally stored 85,000 waste tyres

The owner of a tyre business has been jailed for 15 months, suspended for two years, after Tyre business owner illegally stored 85000 waste tyres at sites in Devon.

Andrew Mayhew admitted five offences at…

Source: www.plymouthherald.co.uk

This is a common problem these days. especially here in the tyre business. Many such examples have come to light in recent years. So, where are the unscrupulous. Tyre dealers have just filled old premises with waste tyres and abandoned the building.

The last one that I heard about was in Bradford

Yorkshire, UK. The city used to be a large woollen industry city. Hence, we manufacture all types of materials. Thus, from large manufacturing mills, These premises fell into disrepair when the clothing industry collapsed. When I was younger,

These old mills are now converted into housing complexes. But some are used for storage. These have been the targets of criminals. As a result, they have been receiving money for the scrap tyres and filling the old mills to the roof.

When are the mills full of waste tyres and the dishonest person just locks the doors and walks away? Leaving the problem, to the local council

The last old mill had 100,000 (one million) old tyres filling it to the rafters. WOW.

Tyre business owner filled an old Airfield?

As I have said, this type of criminal activity is nothing new. A few years ago, a new law was introduced. Importantly, to control the movement and disposal of “end-of-life” tyres. Unfortunately, a few criminally minded people set up scams. I was sucked in by these crooks.
The guy approached my depot manager, claiming to be the owner of a tyre business dealing with waste tyres, and I showed him the certificate that was required by law to remove, transport, and dispose of waste tyres.

We pay £1 each for waste tyre disposal. Therefore, if he collects 400 old tyres, Then we have to pay him £400. The tyres are then taken to a registered disposal site, where they are made into tyre crumbs and then re-used in industry.

Unknown to my manager, the certificate was fake?

The guy was found to be getting the money. But all he did with the old tyres was pile them up on an old RAF airfield in North Yorkshire, UK.

The environmental agency became suspicious when the old tyre collection began to grow and started to investigate the guy.
He was also found to be dumping the old tyres in the River Calder and burying them on an old farm. He was eventually arrested and sent for trial.

The guy went to prison for five years.

because of the giant scale of the scam.
He ended up doing this for two years and immediately started the same thing again, only this time we had nothing to do with him and he just floated off, not to be seen since.
