Premium tyres- Budget tyres

Premium tyres- Budget tyres

Why are budget tyres cheaper than premium tyres?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions that we get from customers of any commercial tyre centre here in Halifax, Yorkshire, UK.
I have to admit that the answer is getting more complicated?

Recent years have brought many new tyre manufacturers onto the market, bringing greater choice and diversity of products. I have put together a few reasons that, in my opinion, are the most important.

My first reason stems back to when tyres were introduced and the major tyre companies that were first involved in the tyres development. These great tyre companies, starting with Michelin and closely followed by Pirelli, Dunlop, Goodyear and Continental are the ones

premium tyres
Premium tyres- Budget tyres

that are streets ahead in research and development.
Other tyre companies come a close second, but I prefer to stick to the main ones.

These are the giants

that I have been brought up with, over my past forty years as a tyre service centre.
When premium tyres are compared to budget tyre brands, you are talking about the difference between men and boys.

Premium tyres are made with over a century of research and development, are mademuch of has beenoldwhich is carried out by their use of motorsport. This enables them to test new products and tyre compounds on the test track before the tyres are used on the regular cars driven by Joe wellPublic.

Premium tyres- Budget tyres

Major tyre manufacturers use testing equipment that has developed with their tyres and is not accessible to the countries that are mass produce their tyres.

Compounds and ingredients are kept a secret. Budget tyre brands are from basic materials and are mass produced using technology that could be as much as 15 years old.
For the extra money that you pay for premium tyres, you will be getting a product that has been designed and will perform together with the cars of today.

Companies such as BMW work together with tyre manufacturers to improve the all-round performance of their vehicles. A top-class car will be fitted with premium tyres, not cheap car tyres.

Premium tyres- Budget tyrescontinued

If the car makers could use budget tyres. Of course, then they would. They know that a premium tyres brand. Naturally, is the only option to match their new car model.Thus, when it is to be launched in the marketplace.
In my opinion, if you have relatively new car. Then you should keep to the make and type of tyre. Hence, that was on your vehicle as original equipment.

premium tyres

Fitting a budget tyre would be no option in my opinion.
The premium tyres and the mid-range tyres
This has been the major development in the last ten years of my tyre retailing life.

The development, of the mid-range tyre.

These include brands such as Kumho tyres, Hankook, Apollo and General tyres.
These tyre companies. Therefore,  have stormed ahead .Having emulated the way that the premium tyre companies. Have been so successful over the years.

In my opinion.

This is through motorsport. Also, and probably TV and sports ground advertising. Most of these mid-range tyre companies.  Have pushed their products to enhance their competitiveness against the big boys.

And to be truthful, they are succeeding?

The mid-range tyres are bridging the gap between the premium tyres and the budget tyres and are becoming a cheaper option for the driver with a car above say three years old.

At the end of the day, you will pay for what you get.

There are thousands of economy tyre manufacturers, and the market is flooded with them. These tyres are great for the driver who does not do much mileage or drives an older car, with a small budget.

So you pay your money and make your choice, but in the tyre world, you do get what you pay for.

Goodyear tests tyres

Goodyear tests tyres: Goodyears found a way to use rice husks, a natural waste material, to be employed for several applications.

Goodyear tests tyres
Goodyear tests tyres

Goodyear tests tyres

Nothing new in the tyre world?

Goodyear tests tyres

Many tyre companies are testing different products to replace the conventional methods of using petrochemicals to help make the compound that produces tyres.

Continental tyres in Europe are experimenting with using dandelion sap. This fluid is said to have a very similar molecular structure to the latex that produces rubber.

The dandelions are now grown in vast quantities. They are grown on acres of land near the Continental tyre factories in Germany.

Yokohama Tyres of Japan is experimenting with the oil from orange peel. Also a waste product, just like the rice husks that could help create natural silica that will help Goodyear test tyres.

For many years now, rice husks have been burned and then sent to landfill sites. Goodyear tyre tests have found that this waste product can be made into a type of silica that can be mixed with the traditional materials that are used in tyre production today.

Goodyear tests tyres

With rice, husks have been carried out over the past two or three years. Thus, so far, the results have been excellent. Naturally, the rice husk-derived silica has to have a real impact.

Hence, the performance of the tyres that have been produced from it.
Of course, the world produces a staggering 700 million metric tonnes of rice a year.

Therefore, the disposal of the rice husks has been a great challenge in the past. Thus, the traditional way of disposing of the waste. Consequently, it has been decided to burn it and send the resulting ash to a landfill site.
There are other ways to turn the rice husk into an environmentally friendly product. Hence, they have been burned to help generate electricity. This is combined with Goodyear tests tyres innovation.

Thereby turning the ash into silicone. So it will undoubtedly help with the massive problem of disposing of waste husks while making a greener tyre.

Goodyear’s Rice Husk Tyres: A Move in the Right Direction

Goodyear has adopted an inventive approach in its ongoing quest for sustainability by making use of an unexpected material: rice husks.

Usually thrown out or put to low-value uses, this agricultural byproduct is now essential to the development of more ecologically friendly tyres. Let’s examine how Goodyear tests tyres utilisation of rice husks is revolutionising the tyre sector and why environmentally aware drivers in Halifax and beyond should rejoice.

The Rice Husks’ Power

The tough outer layer that protects rice grains, known as rice husks, is typically discarded. But they are abundant in silica, which is essential to the production of tyres.

Traditionally, sand is processed using a lot of energy to produce silica for use in tyres. By removing silica from rice husk ash, Goodyear has developed a sustainable substitute that lessens the environmental impact of tyre manufacturing.

Effect on the Environment- Goodyear tests tyres

Utilising rice husks as a source of silica has several advantages. First off, it repurposes agricultural waste, which lessens the impact on the environment and the need for disposal. Second, compared to conventional techniques, the extraction of silica from rice husks requires less energy, which results in lesser carbon emissions. This initiative is a big step forward for a community that values sustainability and green practices, like Halifax.

Sturdiness and Performance

Goodyear has made sure that rice husk silica’s environmental advantages don’t compromise performance. Tyres made with this novel material provide outstanding traction, longevity, and fuel economy.

Rice husk silica increases the rubber’s strength and elasticity, resulting in tyres that function well in a range of weather conditions. Goodyear’s rice husk tyres are made to keep you comfortable and safe, whether you’re driving through Yorkshire’s wet roads or the sporadic snowfall throughout the winter.

Local Significance and Upcoming Opportunities

This idea has local significance in addition to its impact on the environment globally. We lessen the carbon footprint of our daily lives by endorsing items that use sustainable materials.

Consider the benefits that would result from more Halifax drivers choosing tyres composed of environmentally beneficial materials, such as rice husks. When taken as a whole, the little adjustment has a significant impact.

Goodyear is still fully committed to sustainability. By pursuing sustainable materials and methods, the company is laying the groundwork for a more environmentally friendly tyre manufacturing industry in the future. We may anticipate even more environmental advantages and better tyre performance as this technology spreads.

Final Thoughts

The innovative way that Goodyear uses rice husks to make eco-friendly tyres is a wonderful illustration of how resourcefulness can turn trash into something useful.

Goodyear is moving in the right direction towards a more sustainable tyre industry by lowering its dependency on conventional silica sources and recycling agricultural byproducts.

Using these environmentally friendly tyres allows drivers in Halifax to contribute to a cleaner environment without compromising performance or safety.

The next time you need new tyres, think about going for Goodyear’s rice husk tyres—a decision that will benefit the environment, your car, and your pocketbook.

Keep yourself safe and drive green!


Tyre-Wall Markings

Tyre-Wall Markings

tyre-wall markings

Important information regarding tyre pressure


A great instagraph explaining the reasons also showing the tyre markings this is well worth a look at?

Tyre-wall markings are there for the benefit of us all?

It still astounds me that 75% of drivers that come into my tyre business, do not know what size tyres they have on their cars. I also know that many of our customers do like us to check the size for them.

This applies to the lady drivers especially.
I think that it is understandable that ladies should not have to bend or kneel to check their tyre size. This applies in winter time more than anything, but we do understand this and would never let a lady have to check her own tyre size.
Male customers do have more knowledge about these things and I think it is about 50/50 of men who know their tyre size and where to find it.

It is important when ordering online that you look at the following information about your tyre size.

Our own website at has a facility for entering your car registration, but this is not always accurate, and it is best to double check it with the size of the tyres that you can find on the tyre-wall markings.

This online information is important because the internet is the best place to buy cheap car tyres.
The following information is about the 20555R16 91W tyre size, which is the most common size of tyre at the moment.

Tyre-Wall Markings

tyre- wall markings

• 205 This is the width of the tyre and is measured in millimetres

• 55 This is the “aspect ratio” of the tyres. Although it sounds complicated, it means the    height of the sidewall as a percentage of the tyre width. In this size, the aspect ratio is 55%, hence the 55.

• R Stands for radial

• 16 is the measurement of the diameter of the tyres inner rim in inches; in this case, 16 inch.

• 91 is the load rating of the tyre. This is calculated from a table issued by the tyre manufacturer and simply means the maximum weight that the tyre should carry; in the case of this tyre size, it would be 615 kilogrammes.

• W This is the speed rating of tyre. It indicates the maximum speed that the tyre should achieve when fully loaded. The W rating can go up to 168 mph and is once again available on a speed rating chart that is supplied by the tyre manufacturers.

• A more recent mark that you can see on the tyre-wall markings is “E4” This is the European type approval marking to show that this tyre has been tested to the highest standards before being sold in the European Union.
These are no doubt the most important tyre-wall markings for the regular motorist to know about. It is also important to match your original tyres to the same numbers that are on your car.

Tyre-Wall Markings

Never fit tyres that are below the speed and load ratings. Remember that tyres are tested to a very high standard, and it is important that you observe these rules.

If you have any doubts, call in to see your local tyre retailer, who will be only too pleased to help you.

For more important tyre safety information go to…

Goodyear Efficient Grip

goodyear efficient grip

Positive incitement pecuniary resources achieved pro goodyear tyres.: lCqzJZLlj


Goodyear Efficient Grip Tyres can make fuel-efficient tyres?

Making more fuel-efficient tyres is nothing new. As the owner of my own tyre business for as long as I can remember, I know that in the past years, tyre companies have been made to look for other resources to make tyres out of.

The one that sticks out in my mind was the blockade of the Suez Canal in the late 1960s. This is the main route for the giant oil tankers from east to west with their giant cargoes of oil.

The world was in turmoil ?

All sorts of ideas were branded about “how governments could save money.”. This had an impact on tyres and other rubber products, forcing tyre manufacturers to try and come up with new ideas.

In my opinion, this was the rise of budget tyres, and car retread tyres also became popular.The 1970’s brought changes in tyre designs, including the invention of the safety tyre in 1972 by the Dunlop Tyre Company. T

Goodyear Efficient Grip

This was a great breakthrough. Thus, it meant that the tyre would seal itself  after having a puncture. Hence, it is caused by a nail or screw. Another breakthrough. Therefore, it was discovered that sipes in the tyre tread would make the tyre safer. Especially in freezing and bad winter weather.

This now made it possible to make tyres with much less aggressive tread patterns, and tyres with less aggressive tread patterns were much quieter .The largest change and the point that I am getting at bring me to 1973. The oil price problem was one of the reasons that the American car industry switched to radial tyres.

This was the biggest tyre market in the world, and the changes were made purely for fuel economy and would have saved billions of dollars due to the extra miles that the cars would drive by using radial tyres.

Goodyear Efficient Grip tyres are now one of the latest tyre products to come out of an oil crisis. There will be many more in the near future, although the price of oil has dropped considerably. Who knows?

Continental Tyres Ten Reasons

Continental Tyres Ten Reasons were first made in Hanover, Germany

Continental Tyres Ten Reasons

Continental Tyres Ten Reasons
Continental Tyres Ten Reasons

Continental made soft rubber products and solid tyres for the first bicycles and horse-drawn carriages. In 1892, the company started to make the first Pneumatic tyres in Germany.

  • Continental tyres were the first to have a tread pattern. This was for added grip, and it was already clear that the German tyre company were becoming very innovative.
  •  In 1905, not long after the addition of a tread pattern,. Continental invented the anti-skid tyre, which was a forerunner the studded snow tyres that we are familiar with today.
  • Continental tyres celebrated their 50th anniversary. They were to be the first German tyre company to add textiles to the tyre product with the addition of cord casing onto the market. Linen was the material that was used before this new method. This discovery was now to be replaced with a more workable cord-fibre fabric. At the same time, they started to make large pneumatic-fit trucks.
  •  In 1926, carbon black was to be introduced into the tyres compound. This would give the tyres more strength and make them last longer. Once again, Continental were a leader in innovation and strove to make a better product. Continental Tyres Ten Reasons
  • Had already been involved in early motorsport events. In the mid-1930, racing tyres were fitted to Auto-Union and Mercedes racing cars with four straight wins in the German Grand Prix.
  • They also were beating numerous speed records. Their tyres were proving to be of exceptional quality even in the early years.
  • The war years saw very little movement from Continental production. But in 1945, production resumed after permission from the British government. In 1955, Continental started producing the “tubeless tyres” that would be fitted to most cars.
  • Bringing things more up-to-date. 1979 would see Continental buying American tyre company Uniroyal. Thus, gave Continental a much larger base in Europe, of course, including the Uniroyal tyre buyout. This would be the start of the German tyre maker. Therefore, it is becoming so common here in the UK.
  • The 1980s would see more acquisitions, with the purchase of General tyres in America and a cheap tyre brand from Portugal called Mabor tyres. Both Mabor and General were well-known brands here in the UK.
  •  Continental tyres then bought a large share of Czech tyre company Barum, another famous budget tyre brand, along with 50 tyre dealer outlets.
  • At this stage, they were well known all across Europe and not only here in the UK. They had amassed more than 2000 tyre retailers across 18 European countries and were now becoming contenders for the largest tyre company in the World, a feat that they later achieved.

Continental Tyres Ten Reasons . are no doubt the world’s biggest tyre innovators. They have put billions of Euros into tyre research and development.

Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done

Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done

Correct wheel alignment will improve handling, road holding, safety, tyre life and fuel consumption


Win Campbell is a well-known tyre expert in the Northeast of England in the UK. Like myself, he is a big fan of having your wheel alignment checked, especially when you fit new tyres.

Wheel-Alignment- Have it Done

Reasons to Inspect Your Car’s Wheel Alignment

Hi everyone! Let’s talk about wheel alignment today, which is something that is frequently disregarded yet is crucial to maintaining the best possible condition for your vehicle. It may not sound as thrilling as a turbocharger or new alloy wheels, but trust me—it’s important for both your pocketbook and safety.

Wheel Alignment: What Is It? Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done

Let us first define what wheel alignment really is. To put it simply, it’s ensuring that the wheels on your car are positioned at the precise angles recommended by the manufacturer. These angles have an impact on the way your tires contact the pavement. You’d prefer to avoid a number of issues that can arise from misaligned wheels.

Why Does Wheel Alignment Matter?

1. Life of a Tyre– Wheel Alignment- Have it Done

Increasing the longevity of your tyres is one of the key benefits of having your wheels adjusted. Tyre wear can be uneven due to misaligned wheels, which means you’ll need to replace them much sooner than you might have anticipated. Furthermore, tyres are not inexpensive! The cost of a wheel alignment check is negligible when compared to the price of new tyres.

2. Enhanced Management-Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done

When you’re driving on a straight road, have you ever noticed your automobile pulling to one side? It is a well-known indication of misalignment. When the wheels are aligned properly, your car will handle correctly and react nicely to steering input. Not only does this increase driving enjoyment, but it also makes driving safer.

3. Enhanced Fuel Economy

You can save money by using matched wheels, which can increase your fuel efficiency. Your car needs to work harder to go ahead when its wheels are out of alignment, which increases fuel consumption. Thus, correct alignment not only prolongs the life of your tyres but also reduces your fuel costs.

4. Prioritising safety: wheel alignment; have it Done

The last and most significant factor that affects your safety is wheel alignment. Misaligned wheels can have an impact on your car’s handling and brake performance, especially in cold or rainy weather. Frequent alignment checks guarantee that your vehicle is safe to operate and will keep you and your passengers out of danger.

When Is a Wheel Alignment Necessary? Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done

Having your wheel alignment checked at least once a year, or around every 6,000 miles, is the ideal schedule. Getting it checked is also a good idea if you run into a pothole or curb, since these may easily cause your wheels to come off-align. Of course, you should always have the alignment checked before getting new tyres installed.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, routine wheel alignment checks make perfect sense. They enhance your car’s handling, save you money on fuel and tyres, and—above all—keep you safe while driving. Thus, request that your mechanic examine your wheels the next time you’re in for maintenance or see any indications of misalignment. Both your wallet and your car will appreciate it!

Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done

This is one of the most common two words that you hear in most tyre depots across the UK: “wheel alignment.”
I am pleased that, in recent years, the public has gotten used to the idea. We try to encourage all drivers who get new tyres to get a wheel alignment done at the same time.

Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done
Wheel-Alignment-Have it Done

Believe it or not, it does save you money

in the long run, mainly in tyre wear. Not only that, but your car will feel more comfortable to drive as well. One of the most common problems we encounter on a daily basis is drivers complaining about their vehicles pulling to the left or right.
This is due mainly to the car driving over a pothole or hitting a curb when parking.

This throws the vehicle’s Wheel-Alignment- Have it Done

alignment off. This is what I mean by “better driving comfort.” The car becomes more difficult to drive because it is always pulling in one direction or another. It feels like your steering wheel is not straight. In fact, with the steering wheel straight, the wheel alignment needs to be re-adjusted.
I hope that is a bit clearer.

Pellon Tyre and Auto-Centre offers car and van servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles.

Cheap Fuel Costs

Cheap Fuel Costs

Cheap Fuel Costs
Cheap Fuel Costs

Cheap Fuel Costs

Sales of the Nissan Leaf and other electric cars have dipped thus far in 2015, and automakers have resorted to price cuts to boost interest in plug-ins.

I did not think for one minute that the sales of electric cars would hold  up went he petrol prices came down. Cheap Fuel Costs are to blame.

Motorists think with their pockets?

If there is any way the motoring public. Hence, can save money on their motoring costs then they will. Accordingly, you have only to look at the large volume of part worn tyres. So, that are sold today to see that. For this reason, drivers will always try to save money. Wherever possible. In fact, they will travel miles to save a few pence per gallon.

I remember when we had previous fuel shortages, the Suez crisis, sticks in my mind. There was all sorts of talk from governments about the environment and how that horrible oil could be replaced, by a greener alternative. What happened?

Cheap Fuel Costs

As soon as it was all over and the price of fuel dropped we all went back to our old habits and the green thing was forgotten about.

I suspect that something like this will happen again with perhaps a few technologies sticking with us. I like the idea of the hydrogen fuel cars and the EV’s with a battery and a petrol engine to carry out the journey when the battery power ran out.

With the fuel price dropping again- Cheap Fuel Costs

the fickle public are reverting back to the cheapest cars, using the cheapest fuels and are not really concerned about the environment. The governments have warned us about the environment, but i do not think that we trust them any more.

All drivers have been penalized in the past years. Especially, with high fuel prices. Cheap gas (petrol) has now returned and is a bonus to us all. Many car owners think very short term when choosing to buy a new car. My belief is that car owners are starting to shun the more expensive electric cars.

Because the  cheap fuel is the main reason.

The problem is that it only takes a world incident to force the prices up again, but many people only think about today. it is going to be a problem for the car makers to solve this problem, unless they bring down the price of the Electric cars and other technology driven cars.