Winter Tyres Tested Falken

Winter Tyres Tested Falken

Winter Tyres Tested Falken
Winter Tyres Tested Falken

Winter Tyres Tested Falken

“Falken Winter Tyres: Your Van’s Best Mate for British Winters”

Hey there, everyone!

With the thermometer lowering and the wonderful British weather doing its customary dance of drizzle, downpour, and the rare snow flake, it’s about time we talked about keeping your van steady on the road. Today, I’m focusing on a reliable companion for these slippery conditions:

Falken winter tyres.

Now, I get what you’re thinking: “tyres are tyres, right? “What’s the fuss about the winter ones?” Hold your horses, and I’ll explain why Falken’s winter tyres aren’t any ordinary rubber for your wheels.

A Bit of Tyre 101. Winter Tyres Tested Falken

First, let’s talk about what distinguishes winter tyres. These are not your average tyres. Falken winter tyres are constructed like a delicious Yorkshire pudding, perfectly suited to the job at hand. They’re comprised of a unique rubber combination that keeps them flexible even while Jack Frost is nibbling at your nose. This elasticity provides a better grip on cold, wet, and snowy roads.

Why Falken, you ask? Winter Tyres Tested Falken

Falken tyres are known for their durability and dependability, much like a good cup of coffee. They’re a bit of a dark horse in the tyre industry, but boy, do they deliver! With tread designs that laugh in the face of mud and ice, these tyres are like having a pair of wellies for your vehicle, ready for whatever the weather brings.

Safe and sound. Winter Tyres Tested Falken

Now for the details. Safety. We are all aware that winter driving may be as difficult as a game of cricket on a rainy day. Falken winter tyres include deep grooves and sipes (those tiny gaps in the tread) that effectively disperse water and reduce the risk of aquaplaning. This provides improved control and shorter stopping distances. And when you’re negotiating winding country lanes or busy metropolitan streets, this isn’t just a perk; it’s a requirement.

A Nod to Our Local Charm.

While we’re talking about winter driving, let’s take a moment to appreciate some local winter beauty. Have you ever travelled through the Yorkshire Dales during the winter? It’s like stepping into a postcard. But only if your van is up for the task. With Falken tyres, you can enjoy these gorgeous drives without worrying about your van going Bambi on ice.

Wrapping Up. Winter Tyres Tested Falken

So there you have it. Falken winter tyres are like having a trusted companion along for the voyage. They may not make the cold weather any less British, but they will certainly help you deal with it with a little more elegance and less worry.

Keep your vehicle equipped and ready to withstand the unpredictable British winters. After all, nothing beats the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re ready for whatever the weather brings.

Stay careful and enjoy your driving!

In my opinion, this type of test is often overlooked. So, not only are winter tyres good in the snow and ice,? but drivers are much safer in water-logged road conditions.

Points are often overlooked when driving in the summer and winter. So, how many times have we all been driving along at 70 mph when we are suddenly hit by a huge downpour of rain.

It happens to us all ? However, what is not known is the large number of crashes that occur under such weather conditions.

A to B as fast as possible

These days, we are always in a rush. I am as guilty as any other driver on the road. Fortunately, I always fit winter tyres to my vehicle. Especially, the van that I drive.

For this reason, I am convinced that they have saved me from a crash. So, how many times have we been lacking concentration while driving at speed down our motorways?

Suddenly, the traffic in front has come to a quick and dramatic standstill. We slam on the brakes and hope that our vehicle is going to grip the road and stop.

Wow, that was close?

I must have done this a few times myself. Unfortunately, for some drivers, they don’t stop. Often resulting in a minor pileup. I am convinced that my winter tyres have saved me on numerous occasions.

Winter Tyres Tested Falken
Winter Tyres Tested Falken

Importantly, I always keep my winter tyres on all year. As a result, they give me safety and security . Also, sometimes I have to deliver on dirt roads and farm tracks. These tyres are ideally suited for this purpose.

To finalise, I would recommend that van drivers at least use all-weather tyres all year round. I do admit that the mileage is less, but the safety advantages make up for this.

Find out how Michelin Alpine  winter tyres perform next to all-weather tyres in a Ford Focus in standard wet conditions. Do winter tyres compromise performance if used in temperatures above seven degrees?

Continental tyre test winners

Continental tyre test winners

The best tyre test from the UK press is finally here the EVO 2015 tyre test.

Continental tyre test winners again-Evo 2015 tyre tests

The Evo tyre test is what we all wait for and 2015 is no exception. This type of tyre testing only came out in relatively modern times. When independent examiners. Were allowed to compare different products and services. Hence, against similar products from similar manufacturers. It is now a very common practice for comparisons to be published. Importantly, there has even been a complete industry set up this. With comparison web sites springing up all over the place.

continental tyre test winners
Continental tyres participate in the famous Daytona race series

Comparison tyre testing has also become popular in Europe’s motoring magazines. The one that most tyre guys go for is the Evo motoring magazine. Evo test all the aspects of tyre performance. In both dry and wet weather conditions. Also use more unique tyre sizes. In the 2015 test the tyre size used was the 225/40R18, and they were tested on the VW Golf G Ti.

So using a test score system that emphasises the comfort levels of the Continental tyre test winners.

In other words which tyre feel better when we are actually driving our own cars. In fact 40% of the score is dedicated to this result, “how good does the tyre feel”. This is very important and a should be a big consideration. Of course, when you are buying your replacement tyres.

Continental is a top company that makes tyres:

Continental is known for being at the forefront of tyre technology and innovation. This company was the first to make all-season tyres, and they have since come up with cutting-edge technologies like Eco-Plus and Black Chili, which improve grip and gas mileage, respectively.


Continental tyre test winners are known to be tough and last a long time. They go through a lot of testing to make sure they meet high quality standards and are made with high-quality materials.


Continental tyres are made to work well in many different weather and road conditions. These tyres have great handling, stopping, and grip, which makes driving safer for the driver.


Continental has a wide range of tyres for different cars and driving styles. They sell tyres for bikes, trucks, SUVs, and even regular cars.


Continental is committed to sustainability, and its efforts to reduce carbon emissions have been praised. They make their tyres using methods that are good for the environment and with materials that can be used again and again.

Customer satisfaction:

Continental tyre test winners,. have a good reputation for helping customers in a good way. They keep a network of dealers and service centres all over the world so that customers can get help when they need it.

The tyre testing itself was carried out in Italy, at the Vizzola testing facility that belongs to the Pirelli tyre company. As I have said earlier the Continental tyre test winners were tested in both wet and dry conditions, using 225/40R18 tyres from ten different tyre companies.

Testing at Pirelli’s Vizzola facility near Milan, Italy, evo tyre test subjected ten of the best 225/40 R18 tyres available today to the usual mix of dry, wet and comfort tests.

Continental Tyres tyre test winners came as no real surprise

but this time they were almost taken over by the up and coming tyre company Yokohama, with their Advan V105S tyres. Third place went to Pirelli tyres with their modified P-Zero.

I am very pleased with the Yokohama tyre result and although Continental  tyre test winners came in at number one they should now keep an eye open for the up and coming mid-range tyre companies who are also making their names as the motorsport tyre suppliers, giving them data for improving their tyre products.

We supply both Continental and Yokohama in our tyre shop in Halifax Yorkshire UK, and congratulate them on their excellent achievements.

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Why Wheel Alignment Matters

Why Wheel Alignment Matters

Why Wheel Alignment Matters
Why Wheel Alignment Matters

Why Wheel Alignment Matters

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s speak about something that is just as vital as your cup of coffee in the morning but is sometimes neglected: giving your vehicle routine wheel alignment inspections.

In addition, let me tell you that in our region, where there are a lot of potholes and bumps that are high-speed, it is something that we definitely cannot afford to ignore.

Get yourself a cup of coffee, because we are about to get down to the nitty-gritty of why it is just as important to have your wheels properly aligned as it is to have a delicious Yorkshire pudding on a Sunday roast.

Why Checking the alignment of your wheels is just as important as having a full English breakfast

Avoiding the Potholes in Halifax.

When you are driving throughout Halifax and the surrounding areas, it can feel like you are playing a game of dodging potholes at times. Not only are we talking about a rough ride, but these annoying potholes are the primary offenders that are responsible for throwing your wheels out of alignment.

Not only do you feel a shock when your vehicle strikes a pothole or a particularly nasty speed bump at a good rate, but your vehicle’s steering and suspension also take a knock as a result of the impact.

Misalignment is the sneaky, responsible party.

Misalignment is a tricky little monster that requires attention. It does not necessarily immediately make its presence known to those around it. It is possible that you will not see it while you are on your everyday journey or when you are rushing to the store nearby.

But as time passes, it begins to manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as uneven tyre wear, your vehicle tugging to one side, or a steering wheel that is not in the middle when you are driving straight.

Having a wheel that is not in proper alignment on your shopping cart is not only inconvenient but also inefficient.

The Price Paid Every Time Wheel Alignment Is Ignored

Not paying attention to wheel alignment is comparable to ignoring a dripping tap; while it might not appear to be a significant issue at first, it can result in more significant issues and costs in the future.

We are talking about greater tyre wear, which means that you will have to spend more money on new tyres sooner than you would want, worse fuel efficiency (who likes to spend more money on petrol?), and even the possibility of safety problems.

There is more to it than just comfort; it is about preserving the money you have worked so hard to acquire and ensuring your safety while you are on the road.

A saviour in the form of Pellon Tyres!

At Pellon Tyres, we are not just concerned with selling tyres; we are also concerned with ensuring that both you and your vehicle are satisfied. Because of this, we strongly suggest that you come in for a routine checkup on your wheel alignment.

Imagine that it is a checkup for the health of your vehicle. We are familiar with the roads in the area, the difficulties they present, and the ways in which we can ensure that your vehicle continues to run as smoothly as gravy on a Yorkshire pudding.

Regional Highways and Regional Solutions

We are familiar with the peculiarities of the roads in Halifax, including the potholes, the concealed speed bumps, and the twisty corners that can cause any number of problems for the alignment of your vehicle.

Because of this, we customise our wheel alignment services to accommodate the daily activities that your vehicle engages in. We are not simply aligning wheels; rather, we are aligning them for the specific road conditions that are present in Halifax.

The Final Steps

Therefore, there you have it: a little reminder that it is essential to not forget the significance of performing routine wheel alignment inspections.

It is not just about having a more comfortable trip; it is also about saving money, remaining safe, and maintaining the best possible condition of your vehicle. Visit Pellon Tyres for a checkup and inspection. We will ensure that your vehicle is as perfectly aligned as the stars on a night in Halifax that is unclouded.

Be careful on such roads, and always keep in mind that a car that is properly aligned is a happy car. We look forward to seeing you at Pellon Tyres!

to ensure a car drives safely

efficiently and behaves as the vehicle manufacturer intended. So, it’s important that your vehicle’s wheels are correctly aligned.

However, through everyday driving or factors such as hitting a curb or a pothole, the wheels can become misaligned, bringing a host of tyre-related problems.

This brings me to the subject of speed bumps?

Has anyone travelled to France recently? well, just like their enthusiasm about roundabouts. France has gone mad with the installation of massive speed bumps, especially when entering and leaving towns and villages.

Apparently many of these are illegal, but it sure means good business for the local garages that offer wheel alignment to the poor motorists who have to face these monstrous speed bumps on a regular basis.

Should British drivers be aware of this when visiting France ?

So please consider this post a warning for drivers visiting France. Consequently, they are not aware of the size of these things. So, drive over them at a very slow speed. Especially if you’re driving in the dark.

Why Wheel Alignment Matters

Certainly, speed bumps will harm your suspension. causing your wheel alignment to be thrown out. During an alignment check, the car’s suspension geometry settings will be measured against the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations.

If the car’s actual settings don’t match the recommendations, it may be necessary to make some changes and return the car to its original settings to make sure the driver is as safe and comfortable as possible.

Of course, a tyre inspection can help spot any wheel alignment problems!

keeping the wheels correctly aligned. is important for a number of reasons: Safer driving: On cars where the geometry is out of alignment, they can be less stable when having to take emergency or evasive action. A pre-alignment check of tyre condition, pressures and a suspension system inspection is […]

Pirelli Tyre Testing

Pirelli Tyre Testing

Over the last few months Pirelli has conducted extensive testing on its new, wider range of 2017 Formula 1 tyres. The Italian tyre supplier has completed 24 days of running on its new 2017 compounds, with three teams being involved. Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull have racked up laps […]

Pirelli Tyre Testing

As expected, the F1 season may have come to a close for another year. Of course, the work of testing new tyres and tyre compounds goes on for the giant Pirelli tyre company.

Hence,  tyres are being  tested by three of the major racing teams. Including Ferrari, Mercedes and Red Bull. Therefore, this  excellent article fills the F1 fanatic in with all the details and is an interesting read.

Tyre Testing

We are pleased to give you the most recent details and recommendations on Pirelli Tyre Testing and F1 racing rubber testing. We have done extensive research as experts in the field of tyre testing and analysis to offer you the most complete guide on the subject.

Our team has been diligently working to provide you with the most recent and pertinent information while closely following the developments in the Formula One business. The most recent developments in Pirelli tyres will be covered in this piece, along with their performance in F1 races.

We’ll also give you some insightful advice on how to maximise the efficiency of your Pirelli Tyre Testing. Ferrari Racing and Pirelli Tires Since 2011, Pirelli has provided the official F1 tyre provider. The business has been at the cutting edge of tyre technology, and many F1 teams have found success thanks in large part to their use of their rubber.

Pirelli tyres have undergone extensive testing

So, to ensure that they can endure the high speeds and forces produced by an F1 vehicle. They are made to perform well in harsh environments. The compound of Pirelli Tyre Testing is among the most crucial elements that impact efficiency.

For various track circumstances, Pirelli has created a variety of different compounds, and each race requires the teams to select the appropriate compound. The harder compounds last longer but offer less grip, while the softer compounds offer more grip but wear out more rapidly. Pirelli tests its tyres thoroughly to make sure that the compounds are appropriate for each circuit.

Utilizing equipment that has been specifically designed,

Of course, the testing entails simulating the track’s conditions and gathering data on the tyres’ performance. The ideal compound for each route is then decided after further data analysis. Getting the Most Performance Out of Your Pirelli Tyre Testing:

Some Tips Following our discussion of the significance of Pirelli tyres in F1 competition, let’s look at some advice for maximising the performance of your Pirelli tyres.

Select the Proper Tyre Pressure Your Pirelli Tyre Testing must be inflated to the proper pressure in order to operate at their peak. Depending on the weather and the state of the track, the pressure must be changed. Better traction is achieved with a greater tyre pressure, but the tyres will wear out faster as a result. On the other hand, a reduced tyre pressure offers less traction while reducing tyre wear.

Select the Proper Compound

As we previously stated, Pirelli has created a variety of different compounds to accommodate various track conditions. To guarantee that your tyres perform at their peak, it’s critical to select the appropriate compound for each event.

The harder compounds last longer but offer less grip, while the softer compounds offer more grip but wear out more rapidly. Keep the tyre temperature constant. Your Pirelli Tyre Testing must be kept at the proper temperature in order to operate at their peak.

Throughout the race, the temperature must be watched

and changed as required. For Pirelli tires, temperatures between 90 and 110 degrees Celsius are ideal. Control tyre wear To get the most out of your Pirelli tires, it’s critical to control tyre deterioration.

By altering your driving technique and selecting the best compound for each event, you can reduce wear. Additionally, since locking up your tyres can result in excessive wear, it’s essential to avoid doing so. Conclusion In summation, the success of many F1 teams can be attributed in large part to Pirelli tyres.

The business has been at the vanguard of tyre technology,

and their tyres are made to function well in difficult circumstances. We trust that this piece has given you some insightful advice on how to maximise the performance of your Pirelli tyres. By adhering to these

The Italian tyre supplier has completed 24 days of running on its new 2017 compounds, with three teams being involved.

Pirelli Tyre Testing
Pirelli Tyre Testing

Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres

Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres

Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres

Now that the Ferrari FF has returned to the UK. Of course, where unsurprisingly the weather is not quite as nice. So, as it has been experiencing for the previous 3 months based in Monaco.

I have moved over to winter tyres. The standard summer Pirelli P-zero tyres are swapped to the Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres rubber. So that I can now continue to use it truly as a daily car even in winter. Typically, my luck would now make it so that we don’t experience snow this winter so maybe I’ll make a trip to the Alps with the car in due course!

Thanks to Pirelli and to Protyre Bishops Stortford, please check out:

The ideal choice for sports cars and top end vehicles, balancing performance, safety and respect for the environment.

For demanding drivers, the WINTER SOTTOZERO™ SERIE II guarantees excellent performance on dry roads, in the wet and in the presence of snow. In temperatures below 7°C, it counters aquaplaning more effectively when compared to a summer tyre.

Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres
Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres


  • Patented I.B.S. technology for sipe construction
  • New Temperature Dynamic Compound (TDC)
  • Because the outer section of the tyre has huge tread blocks and grooves that swiftly drain water away from the tyre’s surface, asymmetrical tread patterns provide great traction in wet circumstances. This lowers the possibility of aquaplaning and increases traction on slick surfaces. Smaller tread blocks are present in the inner portion of the tyre, which improves traction on dry surfaces.
  • Asymmetrical tread patterns not only perform well in wet conditions but also improve handling and stability. The tread blocks and grooves‘ distinctive form enables the tyre to keep a bigger contact patch with the road, improving grip and control during cornering and braking. This is crucial for high-performance automobiles since they need the most steadiness and accuracy possible when driving.
  • The longevity of uneven tyre patterns is another major benefit. The exterior portion of the Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres can resist significant wear and tear thanks to the use of a combination of hard and soft compounds, while the inner portion of the Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres offers superior mileage and longevity. This enables drivers to get more mileage out of their tyres without compromising performance or safety.
  • Overall, asymmetrical tread patterns are a great option for drivers since they offer the best safety and performance in all weather conditions. Asymmetrical tread patterns provide the traction, control, and stability you need to maintain your safety on the road whether you’re driving in dry or rainy conditions, at high or moderate speeds.
  • Consider the advantages of asymmetrical Pirelli Sottozero Snow Tyres, tread patterns and how they might enhance your driving experience while shopping for new tyres. For drivers who seek the finest in safety and handling, these tyres are a great option because to their distinctive design and performance-enhancing characteristics.


  • Inclined grooves to increase lateral grip and reduce noise
  • Longitudinal grooves to reduce aquaplaning risk Two ribs to increase tire rigidity
  • Increased contact area even on irregular roads. Increased tyre rigidity
  • Excellent handling and grip in dry and wet conditions


  • Safety on wet surfaces and enhanced handling in the dry
  • Improved grip for traction and braking performance. Stability for improved handling
  • Snow traction and riding comfort
  • Safety and enjoyment when driving in autumn and winter weather conditions.

Pirelli winter tyres ,like other makes are the way forward for better winter safety features. Especially if you intend to visit countries that have compulsory snow tyre laws.

W240 Winter Sottozero 2

Michelin Number 1: Motor-Cycle Tyres

Michelin Number 1

Michelin Number 1
Michelin Number 1

Michelin Number 1

MotoGP has decided to drop Michelin’s intermediate tyre for 2017, after just one season. Michelin introduced the new tyre to the championship in 2016, as part of its return as MotoGP’s sole tyre supplier. But intermediates were used only sparingly, with riders generally deeming it safer to use wet […]

Michelin Motor-Cycle Tyres

Unfortunately, Michelin No. 1 motorcycle tyres are not one of my subjects. In fact, this has been one of my weaknesses as a tyre retailer for forty years. For this reason, I decided to add more and more bike-related articles on my blogs. There are millions of motorbikes here in the UK. Naturally, all fitted with at least two wheels.

The Relationship Between Michelin Motorcycle Tyres and Motorcycle Racing-Michelin Number 1

Being one of the top tyre producers in the world, Michelin No. 1 has a long history of creating top-notch tyres for a variety of vehicles. Its wide variety of goods includes tyres for automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, and bicycles. In this piece, we’ll concentrate on Michelin motorcycle tyres and how they relate to motorcycle racing.

For many years, Michelin has participated in motorcycle racing, and their collaboration with various racing teams has aided in the development and improvement of its motorcycle tyres. In fact, several world champions in various racing categories, such as MotoGP, Superbike, and Endurance events, have run on Michelin motorcycle tyres.

By their participation in motorcycle racing,

Michelin has been able to obtain important insights into the functionality and needs of motorcycle tyres. For the purpose of developing high-performance tyres that can resist the harsh racing environments, the firm has made significant research and development investments. Because of this, Michelin has earned a reputation for making some of the best motorcycle tyres available.

For various motorbike models and riding environments, Michelin offers a variety of motorcycle tyres. They have tyres for scooters, sportbikes, cruisers, touring bikes, and adventure cycles. Each tyre is built to deliver the best performance, traction, and longevity possible, allowing riders to ride securely and comfortably.

The Pilot Road 4—Michelin Number 1

is one of Michelin’s most well-known motorbike tyres. This tyre, which is made for sport touring cycles, performs admirably on both dry and wet roads. The Pilot Road 4 has proprietary XST+ sipping technology from Michelin, which offers great stability and grip in all weather situations.

The Power RS from Michelin, which is made for sport bikes and has excellent handling and cornering abilities, is another well-liked motorbike. Even at high speeds, the Power RS’s dual-compound construction offers great grip and stability.

Michelin Longer lasting tyres

Michelin No. 1

among professional racers, but also with casual riders. The company’s wide selection of tyres accommodates a variety of riders and riding styles. No matter if you’re a recreational rider or a seasoned racer, Michelin has a tyre that will meet your requirements.

Finally, Michelin No. 1 motorbike tyres have a well-established reputation for offering superior performance and longevity.

With their collaboration with various racing teams, they have been able to develop and improve their products and make sure they can handle the rigours of competition.

Michelin No. 1 continues to be one of the world’s top producers of motorcycle tyres, offering a wide variety of tyres for various bike types and riding circumstances.

Of course, we used to fit motor bike tyres,

but only on the smaller bikes. The only bike tyres that we fit are on the wheels that have been removed. It is the removal of the bike wheels that has always troubled us. Therefore, if we fit the wheels incorrectly,. The circumstances could be fatal.

So many of us stayed clear of the Michelin No. 1 motorcycle tyre scene.

Eric Roberts

Click here to view original web page at

Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres

Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres

Summer Tyres Versus All-Season

Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres

Fore more videos visit:

Of course many people are visual. Including myself. So this is the reason that I include some videos in my blog posts.

British motorists tend to run summer tyres on their cars all year round, regardless of the weather. However, as our exclusive comparison test shows, this can be very dangerous.

We headed to Sweden where snow and ice is guaranteed. To  point out the often overlooked. Comparing, the performance of Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres ­ and the results were quite shocking.

The primary differences between Winter Tyres and Summer Tyres

There are two types of tyres that are frequently used: Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres. Despite their apparent similarity, they actually differ significantly in a number of important ways, making them appropriate for various seasons.

Winter Tyres

Summer tyres are intended to be used in temperatures above seven degrees Celsius. They have a tougher rubber composition that offers higher traction on dry surfaces.

Summer tyres have narrower tread patterns, which reduce rolling resistance, increase fuel efficiency, and lessen road noise. Summer tyres are also more responsive and provide superior handling, making them perfect for driving in a dynamic manner.

Seasonal tyres

Winter tyres are intended for use in settings where the temperature is below seven degrees Celsius. They offer superior traction on snowy and icy roads since they are constructed of a softer rubber compound that keeps its flexibility in freezing temperatures.

Winter tyres include deeper tread patterns with sipes, which serve to create more biting edges and increase traction on slick terrain. Moreover, winter tyres are made to divert water and slush, lowering the possibility of aquaplaning.

Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres: have major differences.

Rubber Substance
The rubber compound used in the production of summer and winter tyres is the primary distinction between them. Winter tyres are comprised of a softer rubber compound that remains malleable in subfreezing conditions and offers better traction on snowy and icy roads. Summer tyres are built of a stronger rubber compound that offers more grip on dry roads.

Tread Design
The tread pattern is another key distinction between summer and winter tyres. The narrower tread patterns of summer tyres minimise rolling resistance, increase fuel efficiency, and quiet the road. Winter tyres, on the other hand, contain sipes and deeper tread patterns, which contribute to stronger biting edges and better traction on slick conditions.

weather circumstances
Winter tyres are made to be used in colder weather, whereas summer tyres are made to be used in warmer climates. Winter tyres work best when it is below 7 degrees Celsius, whereas summer tyres work best when it is above 7 degrees Celsius.

Driving Capability
Summer tyres are good for athletic driving since they have improved handling and are more responsive. Winter tyres, on the other hand, offer higher traction on snowy and slippery roadways, increasing overall safety in chilly weather.

Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres
Winter Tyres versus Summer Tyres

In conclusion, both summer and winter tyres have distinctive qualities that make them appropriate for various weather situations and seasons. Winter tyres are built for cold weather and offer better traction on ice and snowy roads, while summer tyres are made for warm weather and offer better traction on dry roads.

You may choose the best tyres for your automobile, ensuring the best driving performance and safety, and choose the proper tyres by being aware of the differences between winter tyres and summer tyres.

Even here in the UK we just dont know what the winter will throw at us? here at Pellon tyres in Halifax UK, we can recommend some good winter products, through experience and customer satisfaction.

Pirelli’s Tyres A Massive Event

Pirelli’s Tyres A Massive Event

Pirelli’s Tyres A Massive Event

Pirelli's Tyres Massive Event

Pirelli’s Tyres Massive Event

With 9000 tyres transported by 21 trucks, and involving 90 Pirelli personnel on the ground as well as many more away from the circuit, Pirelli will face its biggest logistical engagement in motorsp…

This is a great article from

Okay, let’s take a look at Formula One racing from a unique perspective. We’re going to talk about what happens behind the scenes, specifically concerning the tyres—those vital strips of rubber that keep those lightning-fast cars stuck to the track.

The race before the race: Pirelli’s Tyres Massive Event

F1 tyre preparation
It’s not just rubber; it’s science!

Now, anyone who thinks a tyre is just a tyre should think again! In Formula One, these tyres are more like the secret sauce in your favourite kebab: vital and unpredictable. The preparation of F1 tyres is a combination of art and science that begins long before the drivers line up on the grid.

Pirelli's Tyres A Massive Event
Pirelli’s Tyres A Massive Event

Selection: A Game of Strategy

First and foremost, tyre manufacturers, such as Pirelli, offer a variety of tyres for different conditions. You have slicks for the dry, intermediates for when it’s a little moist, and complete wets for when the skies open up. But here’s the catch: each circuit and race circumstance requires a different type of tyre. It’s like selecting the appropriate shoes for a walk in the Yorkshire Dales; you wouldn’t wear flip-flops, would you?

Getting them to the track. Pirelli’s Tyres: A Massive Event

After selecting the tyres, it’s time to take them to the circuit. And we’re not talking about a quick drive down the M62. These tyres travel the world in style, even in temperature-controlled vehicles! It’s like making sure your Yorkshire tea bags arrive in pristine condition, no matter where you are.

The Perfect Temperature- Pirelli’s Tyres: A Massive Event

At the track, the magic begins. To perform optimally, F1 tyres must be kept at the proper temperature. Tyre warmers are like comfortable electric blankets for your tyres. The teams keep the tyres at a temperature of 80–100 degrees Celsius so they can grip the track right away.

Air pressure is not just for balloons.

The air pressure in the tyres is another major change. It’s more than just ensuring they aren’t flat. The teams modify the pressure based on the track conditions, temperature, and even how the driver prefers the car to handle. It’s like adding the perfect quantity of milk to your tea—not too much, not too little.

The Human Touch. Pirelli’s Tyres: A Massive Event

Let us not ignore the human factor. Tyre technicians are unsung heroes who check and verify everything. They are similar to the mechanics at your local Halifax garage, but with a little more pressure to perform!

Race-Day Drama- Pirelli’s Tyres: A Massive Event

On race day, the drama unfolds. Tyres may make or break a race. The correct decision might result in a driver slicing through the field, while the incorrect one… well, let’s just say it’s not beautiful.

A nod to history

It’s similar to Halifax’s history in that it is always growing, with subtle nuances and surprising turns. The tyre preparation in Formula One is a monument to human ingenuity and the unwavering pursuit of perfection.

Wrapping Up. Pirelli’s Tyres Massive Event

So there you have it. The next time you watch a Grand Prix, remember those black circles of rubber. They are more than simply tyres;

They are the outcome of a laborious, high-tech procedure that begins well before the lights go out and the race begins. Selling batteries online, like our job, is all about preparation and knowledge.

Remember, whether it’s F1 or putting new tyres on your car, attention to detail makes all the difference. So, who’s ready for the next race?

As a result, it just shows the massive effort

that the top tyre companies put in. So, they should put in a great effort when they attend these prestigious racing events. Hence, Pirelli is the tyre supplier for the Spa 24-hour race series.

Consequently, I took 9000 tyres (which is nearly the number of tyres that I sell in my tyre shop in Halifax in a whole year). Therefore, a massive 21 trucks will take the tyres. Involving 90 Pirelli personnel on the ground as well as many more on the race track.

The tyres that this massive event will be using .Will be the  P Zero DHC tyre for  dry conditions. Also, the Cinturato WH is for wet driving conditions.

Spa is renowned for its difficult driving conditions and changing weather, so these tyres will have to perform at their best.

Different car designs are also present during the race. Offering the tyre suppliers more potential problems. This race series also includes front- and rear-wheel cars. As a result, that will offer the Pirelli’s Tyres massive event more potential head aches. So, as the racing progresses,.

Most of the road cars that are used to race in the Blancpain GT Series also use Pirelli tyres as original equipment. Cars such as the BMW Blancpain GT Series use Pirelli P Zero tyres as original equipment. This tyre is very similar to the ones used for racing cars.

The lessons that are learned from the race series will, in the long run, benefit the experience of driving these luxury cars on normal roads.

Eric Roberts

zzz eric roberts

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Exclusive Pirelli tyre supply

Exclusive Pirelli tyre supply

Exclusive Pirelli tyre supply

According to Pirelli’s Matteo Braga, the P Zero tyres used “complement the philosophy of the GT4 European Series and French GT perfectly” Pirelli will return to the FFSA French GT Championship next year as part of the new-look GT4 European Series promoted by SRO Motorsports Group. As exclusive tyre […]

Exclusive Pirelli tyre supply

Could it be that Pirelli is responding to Michelin’s attempt to rejoin F1 racing? As a highly proficient SEO and copywriter, we can say that there are indications that Pirelli is indeed responding to Michelin’s move to rejoin F1 racing.

Pirelli, an Italian multinational company that is known for its production of high-performance tyres, is currently the official tyre supplier for the FIA Formula One World Championship. Michelin, on the other hand, withdrew from F1 racing in 2006 after a controversial United States Grand Prix.

Recently, however,

Michelin has been rumoured to be exploring the possibility of re-joining F1 racing. This rumour has led many to speculate that Pirelli is responding to Michelin’s potential re-entry into the sport.

One possible indication of Pirelli’s response is their announcement of a new range of tyres that they claim will deliver “even more consistent performance” than their current tyres. This move could be seen as a preemptive strike against Michelin’s potential entry into F1 racing.

Another indication of Pirelli’s response could be seen in their increased focus on research and development. Pirelli has been investing heavily in R&D to improve the performance of their tyres, which could be an attempt to stay ahead of any potential competition from Michelin.


Pirelli has been actively engaging with F1 teams to gather feedback and improve the performance of their tyres. This move could be seen as an attempt to solidify their position as the official tyre supplier for the FIA Formula One World Championship.

While it is difficult to say for certain whether Pirelli is responding to Michelin’s potential re-entry into F1 racing, the indications are certainly there. Pirelli’s announcement of a new range of tyres, their increased focus on R&D, and their active engagement with F1 teams all suggest that they are preparing for potential competition from Michelin.

Pirelli tyres are to supply the GT4 European Series.

Hence, this series is split into two parts. As a result, this is now split into the Northern Cup and the Southern Cup. Hence, they are competing for an overall title.

The race series is organised and promoted by SRO. The SRO is also running the Blancpain GT Series. Therefore, the tyre supplier, Pirelli, has completed a long-term tyre supply agreement.

As a result, Pirelli first supplied the GT4 European Series Northern Cup early this year. The giant (now Chinese owned) tyre company says that it is very happy to  renew the agreement into the future.

Uses GT3 cars from the world’s leading sports car manufacturers. So the European GT4 series (and, by extension, a number of the cars in the French GT Championship) are slightly less powerful. SRO-homologated GT4-specification cars. Thus, in order to open up the competition,. Hence, to as many drivers as possible and form a clear ladder of talent.

While the Blancpain GT Series.

Now, in 2023, Pirelli is still the F1 tyre supplier. There does not appear to be any attempt from Michelin Tyres to pursue their previous interests in joining the F1 race circuit. So, we can say that Pirelli is indeed responding to Michelin’s move to potentially rejoin F1 racing. However, only time will tell whether Pirelli’s efforts will be enough to maintain their position as the official tyre supplier for the FIA Formula One World Championship.

Are Goodyear All-Season Tyres Number 1

Are Goodyear All-Season Tyres Number 1

Are Goodyear All-Season Tyres Number 1
Are Goodyear All-Season Tyres Number 1

Are Goodyear All-Season Tyres Number 1

Just a few weeks ago, weather experts were forecasting the coldest winter in six years, This week, the bookies are slashing the odds on what could be Britain’s hottest Christmas! Who knows what the UK weather has in store for us over the coming weeks, but this uncertainty plays […]

Are Goodyear All-Season Tyres the Best?

At Goodyear, we are committed to producing high-quality tyres that meet the needs of our customers. We take pride in the fact that our all-season tyres are some of the best in the market, and we want to share with you why we believe this to be true.

Firstly, let us define what all-season tyres are. All-season tyres are designed to perform well in various weather conditions, including dry, wet, and light snow. They provide a good balance of performance, handling, and comfort, making them an ideal choice for many drivers. But not all all-season tyres are created equal, and this is where Goodyear shines.

Our all-season tyres are designed

with the latest technology and innovation to provide superior performance in all weather conditions. We use a unique blend of compounds that provide excellent traction and handling in both wet and dry conditions, while still delivering a comfortable ride. Our tyres are tested in a variety of conditions to ensure that they can perform at their best, no matter the weather.

One of the key features of our all-season tyres is their 3D sipes. Sipes are the small slits in the tread blocks that provide additional biting edges to improve traction on wet and slippery roads. Our 3D sipes are designed to interlock with each other, creating a more rigid tread block that provides better handling and stability. This design also helps to reduce the risk of hydroplaning, which can be a common issue in wet conditions.

Are Goodyear All-Season Tyres The BEST?

Another feature that sets our all-season tyres apart is our V-Tred technology. The V-Tred pattern provides additional biting edges that help to improve traction in snow and icy conditions. The pattern also helps to evacuate water from the tread, reducing the risk of aquaplaning.

At Goodyear, we are also committed to sustainability, and our all-season tyres are no exception. We use eco-friendly materials in our production process, and our tyres are designed to last longer, reducing the need for replacements and ultimately reducing waste.

In conclusion, we believe that our all-season tyres are some of the best in the market. We use the latest technology and innovation to provide superior performance in all weather conditions, while still delivering a comfortable ride. Our commitment to sustainability also means that our tyres are designed to last longer and reduce waste. If you are looking for high-quality all-season tyres that you can rely on, choose Goodyear.

Just a month ago weather experts from some of the British tabloids, were telling us all that we could expect the coldest winter in six years.

To be fair,

none of us really know what the British weather could throw at us over the coming weeks. Therefore it could rain and give us flooding, similar to last December. When many parts of my beloved Yorkshire were flooded. So, on the other hand, we could have a cold spell and blizzards.

This is one of the things that makes living in the UK so exciting. But this uncertainty plays into the hands of Goodyear and the other large tyre companies. Hence, as it gears up to celebrate its introduction of the first all-season tyre 30 years ago.

Whilst other tyre manufacturers have introduced their own all season variants. Goodyear’s current Vector range continues to win plaudits in independent tests and from OEM manufacturers, as shown in the latest all-season test carried out by leading English magazine ‘Auto Express’, where Goodyear has taken the crown once again with the Vector 4Seasons Gen-2 tyre.

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