Michelin Number 1

Michelin buys Allpneus

Michelin Buys a 40 % stake in the French market leader in online tyre sales, Allpneus, for 60 million euro.

Michelin buys Allpneus

Source: www.retaildetail.eu

Michelin buys Allpneus
Pilot Sport Cup 2

Wow this is a shock?

Michelin buys Allpneus

A tyre manufacturer openly buying into an online tyre business?

In my opinion, this will change the ball game and open the door for all sorts of ducking and diving amongst tyre manufacturers and wholesalers.

Will Michelin now miss the tyre wholesales out of the equation. By going online, they are certainly missing out on the middle man? the tyre wholesalers.

Watch this space-Michelin buys Allpneus


Michelin buys French Online Company ALLPNUES Throw Down the Gauntlet with the 40% Acquisition

Wow I have been saying for the past two years that we in the tyre trade are living in interesting times, but this announcement is one of the most interesting stories I have yet to come across?

Michelin are going online? Michelin buys Allpneus

This will be done with a 40% acquisition of the French online tyre retailer “Allpnues”. The online tyre company sold 3 million tyres online last year, which accounts for 7% of the French tyre market.

Michelin to use ATS as the fitting stations

Michelin has also announced that they are going to use their network of ATS tyre depots to carry out their fitting work across Europe.
When I first read the story, I thought that Michelin was just going to supply France and use the French ATS depots, but they say that they will be using all the ATS depots across Europe.

Michelin buys Allpneus
Michelin Number 1

I did notice that some of the local ATS depots were not doing any truck work anymore and have been smartened up for retail, and so this has been a plan of theirs for some time.
One thing is for sure: this will kick off repercussions amongst tyre wholesalers, and there will be a big rush from the other tyre manufacturers to compete on the same lines. This effectively means that Michelin is missing out on the middle man, which at the moment are the big tyre wholesalers.

I can remember years ago when Michelin decided to go into ASDA to sell tyres. Michelin buys Allpneus

This too caused a huge rumpus and I think that it was ATS who eventually stopped the process and Michelin closed down the tyre shops within the supermarket. This time, ATS will be one of the main players and have no complaints.

I also wonder what Michelin will do with other brands that Allpnues also sells? Will they be pushing out their own product? I think so. It is a big investment to make just to sell Dunlop’s and Continentals products.

Whatever happens, it has certainly changed the game, big style? But I can’t help feeling that this is the way to go; it makes good business sense and will cut out the middle man, as I have stated earlier. It could be the start of another dot-com boom, but in the tyre industry, watch this space?

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